Sunday, December 21, 2008


Okay, So I've been totally blowing it blog - wise.  That's okay though, because we've been totally crushing it paper - wise!  First issue is out and on the streets, go get some!
On a different note, it's suddenly winter.  We got hammered with snow yesterday, and now it's doing that cool Cape Cod thing where it warms up just a bit, and all the pretty white turns to slushy brown.  Hooray! 
 At least we can have ethnically diverse snow people.  We're so progressive.
You know what's weird?  Writing all this stuff and posting it on the interweb, available to the whole world, yet likely being read by no one.  Well, maybe my wife, but she kinda has to, so it doesn't count. 
It almost seems a bit egotistical.

I'm gonna go and recycle now.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Yeah, you heard me right.  Totally free.  Appetizers too, from our friends at the Island Merchant, so you know they'll be great!  I could go on and on about how Tony Coturri is one badass of a wine maker, using crazy ninja - like techniques to get only the finest wines from organic grapes, but you should really just show up and see for yourself!~